Thursday, August 1, 2013

Solavei Promotions Make it Better

Solavei is always running some kind of promotion for its members.

When I started they had more fees involved; all of those went away because of the promotions they ran. For example ... one of the first promotions they ran was waiving the initial set up fee.  The promotion went so well, and Solavei grew so fast during that month they extended it for another month.

After 2 months, it had gone so well, Solavei made it permanent.

Then they ran another promotion giving away Sim Cards; waiving that fee - eventually after it went so well; they added that to the plan as well. The most recent promotion, known as the "High Five" promotion ends Tonight at Midnight. It was just another example of why it pays to be part of this company.

When Solavei is doing promotions it's a great idea to pay attention. You never know how it will end up as part of our plan. Some of the promotions don't make the final cut. However, Solavei Promotions almost always include huge growth, and add to the companies momentum.

It's one of Several Reasons that so many people who've already made the jump to Solavei Love this company. We all have needs that can be met by having just a little bit of extra cash. Solavei is the solution that you, and so many others are searching for.

You don't have to learn anything new.

You just have to change who you pay, for a service you cannot live without.

Solavei is truly nothing like other cell phone companies.

Solavei fell into my lap as well. I was paying over $100 per month for at&t service and I was not happy. I could not make business calls until 9:00 p.m. unless I wanted to use up minutes; I'd almost always go over, which increased my bill. I've been with them for a year, and I've never paid more than ONE set price; for unlimited phone usage.

Dive in to the Details if you need to; find out just how much money you'd Make by sharing this cell phone service with others. Then, get signed up and join our social revolution. Stay tuned for more Solavei Promotions that simply make this better, and better.

 Depending on when you read this, THIS current promotion may be over. BUT you never know what Solavei will roll out for us NEXT!  This is just ONE example of why it's better!