Saturday, June 8, 2013

Breaking Down the Solavei Compensation Plan

There are all kinds of opinions out there when it comes to the Solavei Compensation plan. You'll want to be careful with who's opinion you listen to.

People from other wireless companies have said that Solavei's compensation plan is weak. They like to talk about how much they want to earn on every single sale, rather than every 3rd sale. The trouble with this argument is that it ignores the reality that most affiliate and network marketing programs have always had Incentives.

Incentive Based Compensation Plans are actually the Norm. Even in those other wireless companies that are trying to suggest that Solavei isn't paying out as much as they are - are ignoring the Incentives that their own company has.

For example, rising the ranks in that other company allows them to earn more money. But they have to rise the ranks, before they can earn more money. They have to Do something, to Earn More.

Solavei is no different.

In the Solavei Compensation Plan you have to sign up 3 people if you want $20/mo - If you want $20//mo more - you have to sign up 3 more people. The same incentive is given to the people you are referring. Nothing is wrong with putting Incentives in place.

The Truth is - this helps Solavei stay in business - The company has to make money for the company to stay in business. When a company pays out all of its money, that company doesn't have much left for support. I've been in companies like these - where the owner bragged about paying all the money out to the field - and this same company couldn't afford to let people use a credit card to sign up for fear of chargebacks. It turns out when the company has no money to operate, it's not a good company.

If you want a company where you keep 100% of the profits - start your own.

Oh you don't have Millions laying around to start your OWN company?

Then perhaps you should look at Solavei's compensation plan like a professional instead of an amateur.  With Solavei, there is an incentive in place - but that's no different from what you'll find in other companies; Each company has their incentives set up differently; but in a nutshell - They are all the same.

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